Muller Pond Canoe and Botanize

06jul10:00 am4:00 pmMuller Pond Canoe and BotanizeEssex County

Trip Leader

Mike Corey, Naturalist

Time and Date

Sunday, July 6th | 10 am – 4 pm


15 participants

Hiking Difficulty

This trip involves a short carry over relatively level ground.

Trip Description

Muller Pond is a small (around 50 acres) body of water located in the Town of Schroon, which is in southern Essex County. It’s a beautiful little pond for paddling and includes a fine and substantial bog mat along its western and northern edges. There should be bog orchids present, along with the pitcher plants, sundews, leatherleaf and multiple Sphagnum species that are characteristic of boggy mats in the Adirondacks. There is also diversity amongst the aquatic plants on the pond margins. The pond is surrounded by State land.

Participants must provide their own small, light canoe or kayak that they are able to portage by themselves.  Use footwear you won’t mind getting wet. Bring water and snacks, a light lunch, sunscreen and insect repellent.

We will meet at a location that will be communicated to those who register.  

If you have any questions about the trip before registering, contact

All NYFA field trips are free and open to all.


NYFA relies on the generous support of its members to offer free Field Trips and Learn 10 workshops. If you are able, please consider a donation to help support these efforts. Suggested Donation is $10.



Registration is open.

Additional details regarding the trip will be sent in your confirmation email. If you do not receive a confirmation email, please email us at

Click here to complete the registration form.


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