Rand Track Ramble

04may12:00 pm3:30 pmRand Track RambleOnondaga County

Trip Leader

David DuBois, Director of Stewardship at Baltimore Woods Nature Center

Time and Date

Sunday, May 4th | 12 pm – 3:30 pm


15 participants

Hiking Difficulty


Trip Description

The Rand Tract is a park owned by the city of Syracuse on the west side of Onondaga Valley. This valley is carved into the Onondaga limestone where the rich soils support a wonderful diversity of spring wildflowers. On the high side of the park some limestone ledges are exposed, and there is a section of limestone talus slope. The most spectacular community in the park is the old growth forest midway up the slope with a nice diversity of mature canopy trees and a profusion of understory herbs. This trip will cover about 1.5 miles of trail and about 300 feet of elevation gain.

If you have any questions about the trip before registering,  please email randramble@nyflora.org.

All NYFA field trips are free and open to all.


NYFA relies on the generous support of its members to offer free Field Trips and Learn 10 workshops. If you are able, please consider a donation to help support these efforts. Suggested Donation is $10.



Registration is open.

Additional details regarding the trip will be sent in your confirmation email. If you do not receive a confirmation email, please email us at events@nyflora.org.

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