
NYFA workshops are designed to provide the participants with a closer look at plants  – often focusing on a particular group that may be challenging.  Workshops typically include time in the field as well as indoors in a lab.  Unless otherwise stated they are usually suitable for beginners and experienced botanists alike.

Current Month

18jan10:00 am3:30 pmWORKSHOP: Identification of Plants in WinterSyracuse, Onondaga County

07jun10:00 am4:00 pmIntroduction to Sphagnum MossesWayne County

12jun(jun 12)6:00 pm15(jun 15)3:00 pmSedges of New YorkIthaca, Tompkins County

20jun(jun 20)10:00 am21(jun 21)3:00 pmFerns of New York: Identification, Biology, and EcologyOnondaga and Madison County

27jul9:00 am4:00 pmLearning Plant FamiliesOnondaga County

learn 10 workshops

Learn 10 workshops are free workshops for any botanical skill level.

 Not a member? Sign up Today!

Current Month

13apr10:00 am1:00 pmLearn 10...Trees at Poestenkill Community ForestRensselaer County

01jun9:00 am10:15 amLearn 10...Grasses, Sedges, and RushesCattaraugus County

22jun1:00 pm4:30 pmLearn 10...Trees at Glenview PreserveFranklin County

26jul10:01 am12:00 pmLearn 10...Summer Wildflowers at Hollyhock HollowAlbany County

19aug9:00 am12:00 pmLearn 10...Grasses at Albany Pine Bush PreserveAlbany County

23aug1:00 pm4:30 pmLearn 10...Shrubs at Mountain Top ArboretumGreene County

23sep9:00 am12:00 pmLearn 10...Asters and Goldenrods at Albany Pine Bush PreserveAlbany County

11oct10:00 am12:00 pmLearn 10...Lichens at Hand HollowColumbia CountyWaitlist is Open


Field Trips are free and open to all.

LIMIT OF 3 TRIPS.    We would like to keep these field trips open to as many people as possible – hence we are limiting each person to a maximum of  3 trips during the first month of registration  (March).   Also, please let us know if you can’t attend well in advance (or cancel on the trip registration page) as it will allow another person a chance to attend.

Not a member? Sign up Today!

Current Month

22mar1:00 pm4:00 pmLiberty Hyde Bailey Hortorium Herbarium TourTompkins County

27apr11:00 am1:00 pmSpring Wildflowers at Hamlin Beach State ParkMonroe County

04may12:00 pm3:30 pmRand Track RambleOnondaga County

10may10:00 am2:00 pmDeep Notch DallianceGreene CountyWaitlist is Open

17may10:00 am4:00 pmHudson River Woodland and Ice MeadowsWarrensburg, Warren County

18may9:00 am5:00 pmSpring Flowers in the Catskill High PeaksGreene CountyWaitlist is Open

18may10:00 am4:00 pmTall Tree TrekEssex County

30may1:00 pm4:30 pmBotany and more Along the Blacksnake Mountain TrailCattaraugus County

31may9:00 am4:00 pmAllenberg Bog SlogCattaraugus County

01jun10:00 am4:00 pmBotanizing Kana’tsioharè:ke ('the place of the washed pot')Montgomery County

01jun10:00 am4:00 pmSugarloaf Mountain BotanizingUlster CountyWaitlist is Open

07jun9:00 am4:00 pmWard Pound Ridge ReservationWestchester County

21jun10:00 am4:00 pmRevisiting Hotchkiss on the Tug HillLewis County

29jun9:00 am4:00 pmWild Western WetlandsCattaraugus County

06jul10:00 am4:00 pmMuller Pond Canoe and BotanizeEssex County

11jul10:00 am2:00 pmGreenhouse Tour at SUNY-ESFOnondaga County

12jul10:00 am4:00 pmWonderful Wetland WanderingOntario County

13jul10:00 am4:00 pmCortland Marl PondsCortland County

20jul10:00 am4:00 amOnteora Lake OdysseyUlster County

26jul10:00 am4:00 pmInland Salt Marshes of Central New YorkCayuga and Wayne County

09aug10:00 am4:00 pmBentley's Cave PreserveRensselaer County

10aug10:00 am1:00 pmWhiteface Mountain Alpine and Krummholz PlantsEssex County

06sep10:30 am4:00 pmExplore and Core Bog #426 With Michael KudishGreene CountyWaitlist is Open

14sep10:00 am4:00 pmFlying Trillium Gardens and PreserveSullivan County

27sep10:00 am4:00 pmMontauk Point State ParkSuffolk County

28sep10:00 am3:00 pmTiptoeing The TarkillSuffolk County

01nov10:00 am1:00 pmNew York State Herbarium Tour (Morning)Albany County

01nov2:00 pm5:00 pmNew York State Herbarium Tour (Afternoon)Albany County

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New York Flora Association
PO Box 122
Albany, NY 12201