Deep Notch Dalliance

10may10:00 am2:00 pmDeep Notch DallianceGreene CountyWaitlist is Open

Trip Leader

Rich Ring, Chief Botanist, New York State Natural Heritage

Time and Date

Saturday, May 10th | 10 am – 2 pm


14 participants

Hiking Difficulty


Trip Description

Join us in exploring the very aptly named Deep  Notch (sometimes called West Kill Notch) in Greene County.  The notch has a variety of  typical cool site species such as Mountain Maple, Swamp Red Currant, Red Elder, and others, and we will spend time with early woodland wildflowers as well. We’ll also also be keeping our eyes peeled  for two rarer species that  were collected from the Notch about a century ago — musk root (Adoxa moschellatina), and Braun’s Holly Fern (Polystichum braunii). There is  a luxurious bryothyte layer in many areas – perhaps you can  teach the trip leader some of those!

We may not be hiking very far, but will do some possibly challenging exploring off-trail.  The sides of the notch are steep as well as deep, and sometimes made up of loose talus, which makes it difficult to get around. So wear good ankle protection, and bring hiking poles or whatever else you use for such places.  Dress for the cool air seeping up from the talus, and bring lunch, water, and snacks.

Information on parking/meeting spots will be provided closer to the date.

If you have any questions about the trip before registering,  please email   All NYFA field trips are free and open to all.


NYFA relies on the generous support of its members to offer free Field Trips and Learn 10 workshops. If you are able, please consider a donation to help support these efforts. Suggested Donation is $10.



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