Montauk Point State Park
27sep10:00 am4:00 pmMontauk Point State ParkSuffolk County
Trip Leader
Victoria Bustamante
Time and Date
10:00 am – 4:00 pm | Saturday, September 27th
20 participants
Hiking Difficulty
Trip Description
Tides permitting, we will first look for signs off the point of the ancient “ghost forest” and the 4,700 year old Atlantic White Cedar stumps and remnant peat bog. We will then botanize a few small coastal plain ponds, and then continue on to a coastal salt pond (Oyster Pond) while passing through maritime dunes, beach, shrubland and woodlands. See this article on ghost forests.
Some expected rarities are Eupatorium torreyanum, Juncus brachycarpus, Asclepias incarnata var. pulchra, Elymus glabriflorus var. glabriflorus, Euphorbia polygonifolia, Polygonum glaucum, Schoenoplectiella purshiana var. purshiana, Aristida geniculata, Atriplex glabriuscula, Viburnum dentatum var. venosum, Sesuvium maritimum, Glyceria obtusa, and Juncus dichotomus.
Hike will be 5 miles or so but easy walking. Bring water, lunch, snacks and insect protection.
Sturdy walking shoes/boots, preferably waterproof, as we will be navigating through some wet areas and puddles and shoreline, walking sticks, binocular, water, and snack (or lunch), tick protection.
This is a joint trip with the Long Island Botanical Society.
If you have any questions about the trip before registering, please email
All NYFA Field Trips are free and open to all.
NYFA relies on the generous support of its members to offer free Field Trips and Learn 10 workshops. If you are able, please consider a donation to help support these efforts. Suggested Donation is $10.
Registration is open.
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